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Recently Acquired Rare and Collectable Titles

In this newsletter we highlight a selected number of recent rare and collectable titles that have come into stock.  We hope you find this list of interest. Many more books can be found by browsing our website, more titles are added every day. 

With best wishes to all our customers

Ian & Julie Johnson and all the team at Pemberley Books.



Rare and Antiquarian

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The Butterfly Vivarium; or Insect Home: being an account of a new method of observing the curious metamorphoses of some of the most beautiful of our native insects

by Humphreys, H.N.

Cat No. : 32567, Published : 1858, Illustrations : 8 hand-coloured engraved plates

Hardback £195.00

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This work, published during the peak of Victorian interest in natural history, instructed the reader how to build, stock and maintain an insect vivarium. The coloured frontispiece illustrates a (more)

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Bee Flies of the World: The Genera of the Family Bombyliidae

by Hull, F.M.

Cat No. : 57860, Published : 1973, Illustrations : col frontis, 81 text figs, 1029 illus

Hardback £40.00

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Die ausländische oder die ausserhalb Europa zur Zeit in den übrigen Welttheilen vorgefundene Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. Erster Theil

by Esper, Eugenius Johann Christoph

Cat No. : 40565, Published : 1801, Illustrations : 63 hand-col engraved plates

Hardback £4,950.00

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Part 1 (all published). First edition. Rare. The fine plates, after drawings by Esper, are delicately hand-coloured, and engraved by J.C. Bock, J.G. Sturm, H.J. Tyroff, and others. Each plate (more)

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The Guests of British Ants: Their habits and life-histories

by Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K.

Cat No. : 58985, Published : 1927, Illustrations : 16 plates, 55 text figs

Hardback £55.00

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Darwin's Insects: Charles Darwin's Entomological Notes

by Smith, K.G.V. (Ed.)

Cat No. : 58697, Published : 1987, Illustrations : 19 figs

Paperback £75.00

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Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Historical series) Vol. 14 No 1. (more)

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Notes on Insects, 1692 & 1695 by Charles duBois

by Jessop, L. (Ed.)

Cat No. : 59221, Published : 1989, Illustrations : Facsimile of manuscript

Paperback £25.00

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Bulletin British Museum (Natural History) Historical Series 17(1). This is a facsimile and transcription of Charles duBois' (1656-1740) fascinating diary of entomological notes, observations (more)

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Spinnentiere I: Salticidae / VI: Agelenidae, Araneidae / VIII: Gnaphosidae, Anyphaenidae, Clubionidae, Hahniidae, Argyronetidae, Theridiidae / IX: Orthognatha - Cribellatae - Haplogynae - Entelegynae (Pholcidae, Zodariidae, Oxyopodidae, Mimentidae, Nestic

by Wiehle, H.; Dahl, F.; Dahl, M.; Reimoser, E.

Cat No. : 58742, Published : 1926-1963, Illustrations : numerous text figs

Hardback £195.00

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Text German. Seven parts on spiders, bound in the following order: Vol. 1 - Teil 49 (1963), 3 (1926), 33 (1937), 23 (1931), 43 (1953); Vol. 2 - Teil 44 (1956), 47 (1960). (more)

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Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida

by Harvey, M.S.; Mahnert, V. (Ed.)

Cat No. : 59013, Published : 1990

Hardback £50.00

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Important systematic catalogue of Pseudoscorpions, covering period 1758-1989. Also includes fossil species. (more)

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The Spiders of New Zealand. Vol. I-VI

by Forster, R.; Wilton, C.L.; Blest, A.D.; Millidge, A.F.; Court, D.J.

Cat No. : 59130, Published : 1967-1988, Illustrations : over 3500 text figs + b/w photos


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Comprehensive account of the New Zealand spider fauna. Otago Museum Bulletin 1-6. Scarce as a complete set. (more)

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Essays on the History of the Microscope

by Turner, Gerard L'E.

Cat No. : 58924, Published : 1980, Illustrations : b/w illus

Paperback £20.00

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Twelve essays by a leading expert on the history of optical instruments covering a wide variety of topics, of interest to users and collectors of microscopes, as well as scholars, museum staff and (more)

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The Natural History of Selborne; Observations on various Parts of Nature; and the Naturalist's Calendar

by White, Gilbert

Cat No. : 51497, Published : 1833, Illustrations : frontis, 18 engraved plates

Hardback £300.00

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New edition, with additions, by Sir William Jardine. (more)

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Lost Land of the Dodo: An Ecological History of Mauritius, Reunion & Rodrigues

by Cheke, A.; Hume, J.

Cat No. : 58472, Published : 2008, Illustrations : 16 col plates, text figs

Hardback £50.00

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First edition. Following discovery of the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean in the 1500s and their subsequent colonisation by man, rapid ecological change lead to the extinction of many of the (more)

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The Birds of North Cachar

by Baker, E.C.S.

Cat No. : 58613, Published : 1900-1901, Illustrations : 10 col plates

Hardback £350.00

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Parts I-[XII], extracted from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (Vol. VIII-XIII), with a printed title page, 'The Birds of Cachar'. Also bound following part II is, 'Notes on a (more)

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Birds of the Sea Shore Illustrated


Cat No. : 58116, Published : n.d. [1856?], Illustrations : 12 chromolithographic plates

Hardback £75.00

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Undated. British Library states 1858. Bibliographies give varying dates. Scarce. 12 chromolithographic plates each with an accompanying leaf of letterpress.

Freeman 333 [1856]; Mullens & Swann p. (more)

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A History of the Birds of Europe, including all the Species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Region. Vol. I-IX [with] Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the Species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Area. Vol. I-II

by Dresser, H.E.

Cat No. : 58006, Published : 1871-1881, 1895-1896, Illustrations : 721 hand-col lithographic plates, 2 uncoloured plates; 106 colour-printed plates from photographs

Hardback £17,500.00

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First edition. Scarce. A monumental work on the avifauna of Europe, including a total of 736 species, with Dresser attempting to cover all identified species across Europe, from the Azores, the (more)

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Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I-IV

by Jardine, William

Cat No. : 58642, Published : n.d. [1876], Illustrations : 3 portrait frontispieces (of 4), 4 engraved titles (2 hand-col), 129 hand-col plates, text engravings

Hardback £300.00

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Undated reissue by W.H. Allen with cancel title pages. These four volumes were first published as part of Jardine's Naturalist's Library (W.H. Lizars, 1838-1843). Pt 1: Birds of Prey (plates 1-34); (more)

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A Selection of British Birds

by Perrott, Charlotte Louisa Emily

Cat No. : 58754, Published : 1979, Illustrations : 5 col plates

Hardback £85.00

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With a new Introduction and a Commentary by Philip J.K. Burton on the Birds. Limted Facscimile Edition of 250 copies, this being No. 170. Facsimile of the original work, published c. 1835. This was (more)

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Audubon's Birds of America (The Audubon Society Baby Elephant Folio)

by Peterson, R.T.; Peterson, V.M.; Audubon, J.J. (Illus)

Cat No. : 57630, Published : 1981, Illustrations : 917 illustrations (482 col, many folding)

Hardback £85.00

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The Baby Elephant Folio presents all 435 of John James Audubon's brilliant hand-coloured engravings in exquisite reproductions derived from the original plates of the rare Double Elephant Folio. (more)

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A Monograph of the Hirundinidae or Family of Swallows. Vol. I-II

by Sharpe, R. Bowdler; Wyatt, Claude W.

Cat No. : 58007, Published : 1885-1894, Illustrations : 103 hand-col plates, 26 partly hand-col maps, 15 double-page tables

Hardback £6,000.00

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First edition. A fine monograph including all the 109 known species of swallows. Fine hand-coloured lithographic plates by Claude W. Wyatt, printed by Mintern Bros. Peter Tate (A Century of Bird (more)

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Everyone's Handbook of British Breeding Birds. When and Where their Nests are built: what they are complsed of: the Number and Colour of their Eggs: the Food they eat; the Nature of their Vocal Powers; and some Local and old fashioned names

by Westell, W. Percival

Cat No. : 58043, Published : [1897], Illustrations : b/w frontis, text engravings

Hardback £45.00

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With a Preface by the late Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone [dated 1897], and an Introduction by Claude St. John. Drane's Popular Books No. 8. Advertisements to endpapers. Scarce.

Freeman 3943; Mullens & (more)

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The Poets of the Woods: Twelve Pictures of English Song Birds

by Wolf, Joseph; [Cundall, Joseph (Ed.)]

Cat No. : 59293, Published : 1853, Illustrations : 12 col plates

Hardback £650.00

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First edition. Scarce. Comprises 12 charming tissue-guarded colour plates from watercolour drawings by Joseph Wolf, with poetical extracts from various authors. The illustrations printed in colours (more)

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Feathered Favourites: Twelve Coloured Pictures of British Birds

by Wolf, Joseph

Cat No. : 59292, Published : 1854, Illustrations : 12 col plates

Hardback £600.00

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First edition. Scarce. Comprises 12 charming tissue-guarded colour plates from watercolour drawings by Joseph Wolf, with poetical extracts by Howitt, Montgomery, Clare, Mant, Cornwall, Wordsworth, (more)

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Birds of Ireland: An Account of the Distribution, Migrations and Habits of Birds as observed in Ireland, with all Additions to the Irish List

by Ussher, R.J.; Warren, R.

Cat No. : 58447, Published : 1900, Illustrations : col frontis, 6 b/w plates, 7 text illus, 2 double-page col maps

Hardback £175.00

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Including an Introduction and Tables showing the Distribution of Birds in the Breeding Season. First edition. Scarce.

Mullens & Swann p. 604. (more)

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Fauna Orcadensis: or, the Natural History of the Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Orkney and Shetland

by Low, George

Cat No. : 58009, Published : 1813

Hardback £550.00

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First edition. Scarce. Published posthumously from a manuscript in the possession of Wm. Elford Leach. Lacking initial blank leaf (i/ii). George Low (1746-1795), was a Scottish naturalist. In 1768 he (more)

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Ruwenzori Expedition Reports 15. Pisces, Batrachia, and Reptilia [Zoological Results of the Ruwenzori Expedition, 1905-1906]

by Boulenger, G.A.

Cat No. : 58377, Published : 1909, Illustrations : 2 lithographic plates (1 col)

Paperback £75.00

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Transactions of the Zoological Society of London Vol. XIX, Pt III, No. 32: 237-252. Fine lithographic plates by J. Green, one in colour. Part of the scientific report on the zoological (more)

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Practical Taxidermy: A Manual of Instruction to the Amateur in Collecting, Preserving, and Setting up Natural History Specimens of all Kinds

by Browne, Montagu

Cat No. : 55708, Published : [1878], Illustrations : 39 text figs

Hardback £60.00

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First edition, undated. Scarce.

Freeman 539. (more)

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Lake Tanganyika and its Life

by Coulter, G.W. (Ed.)

Cat No. : 58160, Published : 1991, Illustrations : 3 col plates, b/w photos, line drawings, text figs

Hardback £50.00

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First edition. Contributions from J.-J. Tiercelin, A. Mondegeur, R.E. Hecky & R.H. Spigel. (more)

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The Natural History of the City

by Fitter, R.S.R.; Lousley, J.E.

Cat No. : 53834, Published : 1953, Illustrations : b/w illus, b/w photos, 1 col map

Paperback £50.00

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First edition. Rather scarce. Errata slip tipped in at title page. A fascinating booklet covering the natural history of the City of London, with a focus on the plants and animals that flourished in (more)

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Scribblings of a Hedgerow Naturalist

by Whitaker, J.

Cat No. : 56780, Published : 1904, Illustrations : 15 b/w plates, 4 text illus

Hardback £65.00

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First edition. Scarce. Notes on the wildlife of Nottinghamshire. Joesph Whitaker (1850-1932) was a dedicated naturalist, ornithologist, sportsman, and natural history collector, whose home, Rainworth (more)


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